Becky Kiel

Emerging Author

Heard from a Muse

Aug 04, 2023 by Becky Kiel , in Writing

Where do I start?

Do what engages you.

There is no “secret sauce.”

You need space to build a world.


Make a plan. Try the plan. See how it goes.

Try a concept in different genres.

What feels better for you?

How to get started as a translator?


Ancient settings of fantasy that are character and plot driven.

Sewed a slow, beautiful world; cutting out parts took away some beauty.

A shorter book has a quicker turnaround from manuscript to published book.

Thank you for trusting me in this conversation.


Platform: where you’re coming from as an author.

Get your head to stick up a little higher.

Twitter on the way out? Tenuousness of social media.

Not all writers need a Platform. All writers need a Network-Building Community.


Publisher wanted another dog book. Stay? Or gamble on another publisher?

Corporation didn’t know how to break out of the 100-year-old mold.

Switching from indie to corporate publisher: a huge change.

Corporation – conformity; not-for-profit publisher – exact opposite.


How much editing is normal? It depends…

It lacks essential urgency.

I can tell when it’s working.

Deadlines are not good.


I need to hold on to holy inspiration.

Allergic to idea of compromising myself.

Art is about exploring something new.

I love to be unsettled under my skin.


Refresh your vision. Then, revise again.

Freed me to tell it like we tell it in my family.

Voice: what your writing sounds like when it’s your best.

Publishing the book is the end goal. Enjoy the journey.